Saturday, February 6, 2010

How do you afford your rock and roll lifestyle?

A lot of people come up to me and ask. "How do you afford your Rock and Roll lifestyle?" At first it was rather flattering to field such an inquiry. It had never occurred to me that my personal style and general demeanor elicited such a reaction. After fielding the question a couple of times with some modest shrugs and a crooked smile I began to really wonder what it is in particular about me that is so "Rock and Roll"? Is it my general disregard for pop culture? My preference for track lighting? Or my proclivity for both Laphroaig Scotch, the most sophisticated of the Islay single malt variety, and Pabst Blue Ribbon beer, proud recipients of the 1893 award for best beer at the Chicago World's Fair. ...or maybe it's the Apple River trip that will go down in infamy as the occasion I shot-gunned 27 beers and won, by unanimous vote, the Rock and Roll Leg Kick Contest. Upon further reflection, I think I can firmly say that the latter is the most likely explanation.

So with the question of why people feel I lead such a "Rock and Roll lifestyle" answered, I can move on to the question of how I afford it. The answer, though blowing in the wind at times, is a delicate balance of the following....

1. The money I saved from switching to Gieco
2. Cheap beer
3. My fondness of the band Cake
3. A general disregard towards my own health and self-interest
4. Humility. Lots of it.

Many of you may know that there is a song by the band Cake of the title "Rock and Roll Lifestyle". A friend of mine once told me that the song reminded him of me. Once again, I was flattered at first, but quickly began to realize that this was sort of a back-handed compliment as the song lyrics are quite sarcastic. In retaliation I later told him his life reminded me of some of the posts on the blog site called Unhappy Hipsters. I was somewhat satisfied with this, but may spontaneously punch him in the face some day anyways.

1 comment:

  1. Is this the result of having lizards and turtles as childhood pets instead of puppies and kittens? Perhaps, or maybe it's just a by product of running the most interesting design company in the world?
